2019/05/10 Fri – 2019/05/19 Sun
澤 寛 個展「Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude -ある星、地上の孤独-」
Kan Sawa, Untitled from the series of Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude © Kan Sawa 2019
このたび、澤 寛 写真展「Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude -ある星、地上の孤独- 」を AL にて開催致します。
We are pleased to announce that Kan Sawa’s photography exhibition “Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude” will be held at AL, Tokyo.
Sawa has been actively pursuing his passion for photography since last year - he exhibited his “Rapture” series at AL and published a photobook under the same title, while he also made a documentary on the Yoshida Dormitory in Kyoto University which may cease to exist in the near future. The photo series on the dormitory entitled “Polish” was exhibited on the walls of Rissei Library, inside the former Rissei Elementary School in Kyoto.
For his upcoming exhibition, Sawa will be presenting us approximately 300 pieces of photographs installed in specimen boxes, selected from a few thousand. Streetscapes of Tokyo, landscapes from around the world, portraits, architecture photographs, abstract paintings-like images - all types of works in this exhibition are completely different in character, as if they were taken by different photographers. Indeed, all of them were captured instinctively by Sawa, reacting to whenever he had a feeling of strangeness towards the subject. His images, whether real or imaginary, illuminate a glimpse of the past and future of each place. Sawa’s incisive perspective reveals a continuing present and reminds us of an alternate reality that may become our future.
Like how Sawa saw the world through its ever-changing sceneries when he was a child, the moments and sceneries captured instinctively by Sawa may connect with the viewers’ own memories from the past and trigger them to reflect on their feelings. A photobook will be published together under the same title to accompany the exhibition.
澤 寛 / sawa kan 「Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude -ある星、地上の孤独-」
会期:2019年5月10日[金] - 19日[日]
会場:AL www.al-tokyo.jp
住所:東京都渋谷区恵比寿南3-7-17 1F
時間:12:00〜19:00 会期中無休 入場無料
Kan Sawa’s photography exhibition “Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude”
Dates : May 10 (Fri) - May 19 (Sun) open 12pm - close 19pm
Venue : AL www.al-tokyo.jp
Address : 3-7-17 1Fmain space, Ebisu-minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Admission fee is free
Tel : 03-5722-9799
【オープニングレセプション】 2019年5月10日(金)18:00 - 21:00
【 ギャラリートーク 】 2019年5月12日(日)19:00 - 20:00
登壇者:澤 寛、鷹野 隆大(写真家)
件名に 「澤 寛 × 鷹野隆大トークイベント」を記載し、
お名前、連絡のつきやすい御連絡先(携帯番号など)、複数の場合はご同伴者様を明記の上 yoyaku@al-tokyo.jp までメールにてお申し込みください。7追って確認のメールを返信致します。
Opening reception : May 10 (Fri) 6pm - 9pm
Gallery talk : May 12 (Sun) 7pm - 8pm
Speakers : Kan Sawa, Ryudai Takano (photographer)Admission fee is free but This event is reservation system.
Please let us know your name and telephone number and also number of participants for this e-mail address.(yoyaku@al-tokyo.jp)
『Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude -ある星、地上の孤独-』
発売日 : 2019年5月10日/限定300部
ISBN978-4-908062-27-8 C0072
著者: 澤 寛
ブックデザイン : 原 耕一、七郎(trout)
発行元:澤 寛
発売元 : HeHe ( www.hehepress.com )
印刷所 : ライブアートブックス 製本所:博勝堂
予価:12,000 円+税
Sawa has been actively pursuing his passion for photography since 2018 - he exhibited his “Rapture” series at AL, Tokyo and published a photobook under the same title in the same year, while he also made a documentary on the Yoshida Dormitory in Kyoto University which may cease to exist in the near future. The photo series on the dormitory entitled “Polish” was exhibited on the walls of Rissei Library, inside the former Rissei Elementary School in Kyoto.
His upcoming publication will include a variety of works including streetscapes of Tokyo, landscapes from around the world, portraits, architecture photographs, and abstract paintings-like images - all types of works are completely different in character, as if they were taken by different photographers. Indeed, all of them were captured instinctively by Sawa, reacting to whenever he had a feeling of strangeness towards the subject. His images, whether real or imaginary, illuminate a glimpse of the past and future of each place. Sawa’s incisive perspective reveals a continuing present and reminds us of an alternate reality that may become our future. Like how Sawa saw the world through its ever-changing sceneries when he was a child, the moments and sceneries captured instinctively by Sawa may connect with the viewers’ own memories from the past and trigger them to reflect on their feelings.
Title: Heavens of Light, Planet of Solitude
Photographs and texts: Kan Sawa
Art direction and design: Koichi Hara / Hichiro (trout)
Cooperation: Ayumi Kawasaki / Sayaka Sameshima
Price: 12,000 yen (excl. VAT)
Size: B6 / 404 pages / Hardcover / with case
Languages: Japanese / English
Edition: 300
── 澤 寛
Light was emitted 138 billion years ago.
Striking a 46-billion-year-old ray, it gleamed on to create this
A void of a world that was simply there,
but once caught in the light it became a real image.
People let that light pass through them, questioned the world
before their eyes, even came to doubt the light and deny all
unseen imaginings, then started to make their own light to
cover the world.
As that light leaks out across the heavens, the tainted sky
erodes my mind, making the world look imaginary to my
sleepless eyes.
Yet even so, I believed it.
This world has set out in search of the future
── Kan Sawa
作家プロフィール | 澤 寛 KAN SAWA
1984年神奈川県生まれ。美術大学在学中より映画製作の現場に携わり、2018年より澤寛名義にて写真家として活動を開始。同年、写真作品「Rapture」の発表、NHK ドラマ 『ワンダーウォール』のビジュアルディレクターとしてスチールを撮り下ろし、写真集『ワンダーウォール』を出版。京都大学吉田寮を撮り下ろした「POLISH」をAL ( 東京 )、京都旧立誠小学校内立誠図書館壁面にて発表。2019年4月12日より5月12日までhaku ( 京都 ) にて開催中のKYOTOGRAPHIEサテライトイベント KG+では写真作品「Rapture」を出展するなど精力的に写真家としての活動を続けている。
澤田石和寛名義では映画『るろうに剣心』シリーズやau KDDI TVCM 三太郎シリーズのキャラクターデザインで知られ、映画『十三人の刺客』( 2006年 )、映画『パンク侍、斬られて候』( 2018年 ) にてアジアンフィルムアワード ベストコスチュームデザイナーに二度ノミネートされている。
Profile | Kan Sawa
Born 1984 in Kanagawa, Japan, Kan Sawa started to work in the movie production industry since he was an art university student and began working as a photographer in 2018 under his current artist name, publishing his first photography series named “Rapture”. In the same year, he also worked as the visual director for NHK’s drama series “Wonderwall”. While he was responsible for taking all the still shots for the drama, he published a photo book under the same title. Sawa also photographed the Yoshida Dormitory in Kyoto University and exhibited the series at AL, Tokyo and on the walls of Rissei Library, inside the former Rissei Elementary School in Kyoto. Actively pursuing his passion for photography, Sawa is currently showing his “Rapture” series at haku, Kyoto from April 12 to May 12th, 2019, as a KG+ Kyotographie satellite event.Kan Sawa is also known for his other name Kazuhiro Sawataishi, involving with the character design of the film series “Rurouni Kenshin” and the television commercial series “Santaro” by au KDDI. He was nominated twice for the Asian Film Awards for Best Costume Design with the movie “13 Assassins” (2006) and “Punk Samurai Slash Down” (2018).